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How to Block Access to Your Facebook Account Temporarily

Views : 2294
Update time : 2020-04-08 11:02:51

Is Facebook soaking up full of your occupation time? Is your productivity suffering? if Facebook is putting you at chance of losing your job, it can exist time ought accept some action. There are a link of various ways that you can bounds access ought your illustrate still you're working. exclaim on step 1 beneath ought obtain started.

1. Using a Browser Extension

1) Download Firefox or Chrome. These browsers lease you ought install extensions that amplify their functionality. There are extensions because both that lease you ought barrier yourself from concrete sites during sure hours of the day.
  • Both Firefox and Chrome are release ought download.

2) Download a productivity extension. There are little plugins available that will lease you ought barrier sites such because Facebook that own you from your work. One of the most habitual extensions because Firefox is LeechBlock, still Chrome's most habitual extension is StayFocused.
  • Install LeechBlock can FireFox. Click the Firefox button and choose Add-ons. Enter leechblock into the "Search full add-ons" field. Click the Install button ought the precise of the LeechBlock entrance of the search results. LeechBlock will exist automatically downloaded and installed. Restart Firefox.
  • Install StayFocused can Chrome. Click the Chrome menu button. choose Tools → Extensions. Scroll ought the bottom of the table and click the "Get more extensions" link. Enter stayfocused into the "Search the store" field. Click the "+Free" button next ought StayFocused at the peak of the Extensions results. Click the "Add" button at the confirmation box that appears.
  • Install Nanny can Chrome. exclaim on the Chrome Web Store. Nanny because Google Chrome can barrier sites, such because Facebook, can your Chrome. utilize the search sphere can the peak left phase of the page ought search because it. From the search results, click can Nanny because Google Chrome ought exclaim on more details almost it. Click the “Add ought Chrome” button can the peak precise phase of the page. A confirmation news will appearance informing you of what the new extension will do. Click can the “Add” button.

3) Configure your extension. Once you've installed your extension, you will want ought configure it ought barrier Facebook and lay the era that you wish it blocked. The process is a tiny various at each extension.
  • LeechBlock - Click the Firefox menu and choose Add-ons. find LeechBlock can the table and click the Options button. Add "www.facebook.com" ought the big text sphere at the center of the Options window.
    • Click the "When ought block" tab and lay your barrier schedule. full era are entered at 24-hour format. You can lay sites ought exist blocked after a sure quantity of time can them or during concrete era of the day, or both.
    • Click the "How ought block" tab ought choose what happens while you exclaim on a blocked site. By default, it will face can ought a LeechBlock notification, besides you can lay it ought redirect ought any site that you wish.
    • Click the Advanced tab ought lay your advanced options. These contain disabling the LeechBlock options menu during your blocked hours and blocking access ought Firefox configuration menus. maiden choose these if you appreciate the consequences of doing accordingly (you will no exist capable ought obtain ought these menus, even if you want them because other programs, during the barrier time).
    • Add a password. Click the access control tab at the peak of the Options window ought add a password ought LeechBlock. This password is no because security, besides ought add an extra roadblock among you and disabling the block. This will confer you extra time ought study disabling the barrier and being unproductive.
  • StayFocused. Click the StayFocused icon at your browser toolbar. It to gorge appeared presently after installing the extension. Click the "Settings" connect at the bottom of the box that appears.
    • Click the "Blocked Sites" menu option. You can find it at the menu can the left aspect of the Settings page. Add "www.facebook.com" ought the sphere and click the "Add Blocked Sites" button. if you wish ought own yourself from disabling StayFocused, click the "Block the Chrome Extensions page!" ought add the Extensions page ought your blocked list.
    • Set your blocking schedule. utilize the peak four menu options ought lay your blocking schedule. "Max Time Allowed" lets you enable a timer because full of your blocked sites. Once you attain this time limit, you can no longer access the blocked sites because the day. "Active Days" lets you lay what days StayFocused enforces the block. "Active Hours" sets the time of engagement that the sites are blocked for. "Daily Reset Time" is the time of engagement that your time bounds resets.
    • Adjust the Nuclear Option. This is the last-resort button because increasing your productivity. By default it will barrier full sites because the specified time, besides you can convert it ought impartial barrier the sites can your list.
    • Add a challenge. if you feel alike you'll exist tempted ought hurt the block, you can add a challenge ought obtain hind into the settings. You will exist required ought type a concrete paragraph without making any typos or backspaces.
  • Nanny. Click the button with three horizontal lines at the upper precise phase of your Google Chrome browser. This will do a submenu. appearance because “Settings” and click can it. From the Settings page, click the Extensions connect from the left panel menu. The Extensions page will load, listing full the extensions installed can your Google Chrome browser. You can exclaim on Nanny because Google Chrome here.
    • Open the settings because Nanny because Google Chrome. Click the Options connect beneath Nanny because Google Chrome. This will blank another window or tab because Nanny because Google Chrome’s settings.
    • Block Facebook because a sure period. Click the “Blocked URLs” tab can the settings page. This is where you can configure what and while ought barrier sites alike Facebook.
    • Type at the tune of the barrier set, alike “Facebook block,” at the barrier lay field.
    • Type at “facebook.com” at the URLs field. You can too type at other sites you wish ought barrier with Facebook.
    • Key at the begin and purpose era while Facebook will exist blocked at the Blocked Time field. The format to exist at military time, e.g., 0900-1700,1900-2100 because 9AM-5PM and 7PM-9PM, respectively. It can accept multiple time slots separated by a comma.
    • Tick the checkboxes because the days while the barrier will exist active. if you wish ought maiden barrier Facebook can weekdays, you to tick Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday only.
    • Save. while you’re done configuring while ought barrier Facebook, click the “Save URL” button at the bottom because the form. Nanny because Google Chrome will exist activated while the lay era come, and you won’t exist capable ought access Facebook anymore during those times.

4) utilize the extension. Once your table and Facebook barrier is set, your extension is active. at order ought hurt it, you will want ought face can across whatever steps you lay at lay ought own yourself from doing so. attempt ought resist!
  • Install extensions can full of your installed browsers ought own you from switching among them ought circumnavigate the block.

2. Creating a momentary Password

1) create a new email salute using an email provider of your choice. Some examples contain Yahoo, Gmail, Mail.com, Outlook.com, and more.

2) convert your Facebook foremost email. figure your new email salute the foremost email salute because your Facebook account. The foremost salute is the one where Facebook sends you emails almost contemporary activities and updates.
  • Click the down arrow at the top-right phase of Facebook and choose Settings.
  • Click the compile connect at the Email zone of the normal illustrate Settings.
  • Click the "Add another email" connect that appears, and then enter your new email address.
  • Make it your foremost email address, enter your Facebook password, and then click the preserve Changes button.

3) Generate your new password. figure certain that the password is complex enough accordingly you can't memorize it. search online because "password generator" and choose a site that makes strong, cryptic passwords.
  • Copy the password accordingly that you don't gorge ought retype it. This will own you from making mistakes too because assist barrier you from memorizing it.

4) lay the new password because your Facebook password. You can discharge this from the Settings menu that you changed your email salute in.

5) lay the new password because your new email password. convert the password can your new email salute ought the password you impartial generated because well. Most email services gorge a Settings page that you can discharge this from.

6) Write a "Future Email". exclaim on a site alike FutureMe, EmailFuture, or Bored.com. utilize the future email service ought dispatch an email ought your normal email address. lay the new email salute and the newly-generated password at the body of the email.
  • Set the email ought exist sent after you are capable ought timber hind into Facebook without consequences.

7) timber out of Facebook. Once the email is lay up, timber out of Facebook accordingly that you can't exclaim on the site and exist automatically logged in. figure certain that any traces of the password you generated are deleted, and that you didn't memorize it at the intend time.
  • If you copied the password ought the clipboard earlier, xerox something else ought erase the password from the computer's memory.

8) timber hind into Facebook after your occupation time is over. Once you accept your future email, you can enter that password into Facebook and refrain your feed. You can own using the too password ought barrier yourself each day, or create new ones.

3. Deactivating Your Account

1) Deactivate your Facebook illustrate while you don't wish ought access it. You can deactivate your Facebook illustrate temporarily. nobody of your news will exist deleted, and you can reactivate it at any time. still this doesn't own you from accessing it, subconsciously knowing that it's deactivated could assist own you from visiting it.
  • When you deactivate your account, your profile will exist hidden from the interval of Facebook, which will assist own you from getting distracted by notifications and messages.

2) Reactivate your illustrate while you're ready. You can easily reactivate your Facebook illustrate at the purpose of the engagement by logging hind at with your email salute and password. Your illustrate will exist restored and your news will exist saved.
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